Infusing Sports into Business Part 2

Part 2:

This is second part of a 3-article series where we where we share some of the differences between the “sports world” and “business world.”

This post will focus specifically on the preparation taken by sports teams versus business.

(To see part 1 of the series, click here.)


Could you imagine a sports team taking the field without have met or prepared beforehand?   “Hey guys, I know we

haven’t practiced this week or discussed our opponent, but I’m sure you’ll be fine.  Now, go get ‘em!”

Sports World

Did you know football teams spend a larger portion of their week preparing for games in meetings and watching video than on the field practicing? Why is this?  Because the coach has to ensure every player understands the team’s strategy and how their individual roles work within that strategy.   If just one player does not understand his role, it could cost the team the game.

The players also need to know what their opponent is like and how to best prepare for them.  What are their weaknesses?   How can we use our strengths against them?   Which players will need to play a larger role for this game?    Without prior preparation and guidance from a coach, even the most talented teams will struggle to win.

Business World

What type of opportunities does you company have coming up this week?   Are there any big leads you are meeting with, or are there any large clients with outstanding issues that need to be resolved?   What are you trying to accomplish this week, month, and year?

Do you have employees who may need to step up and fill a larger role because other employees are sick or on vacation?  What kind of new sales ideas do you have?  Do you have any new marketing ideas you want to implement?
These are all very real questions that come up every day for companies, but the information isn’t relayed appropriately to the employees.  Rather than using a meeting to discuss these types of issues, owners and managers will often just disseminate this information via an email.


Coaches don’t just send out the game plan via email, and neither should you.  Coaches meet with their players individually and as a team to ensure everyone is on the same page.  Use meetings to implement any new company policies or strategies.   This will help your employees feel more like a team, and help you know that everyone knows what needs to be done.