Technology Tip: Laser App Software

In my prior life as a commercial producer, I found there was nothing more frustrating filling out multiple 15-page applications for a new business or renewal submission.   For some reason insurance carriers can’t come to a consensus on the information they ask for so you as the agent are stuck filling these applications out.

I would get so frustrated with the process because it was just wasted time spent filing out redundant information.  I wish the underwriters had to go through it to see what a colossal waste of time it is.

This is why I was so happy when I came across a company called Laser App.  They have actually developed a product that eliminates the task of filling out multiple applications.  They have a multitude of carrier applications stored in their database.  All you have to do is input the information one time and the software will pre-fill the applications.   This way you’re only filling out one application and saving yourself a ton of time.

Great solution to make life easier, and I highly recommend taking a look at it: